Pixel Scrapper Blog Train August
I think I was all over the place with this one. I'd have one idea in mind, create one thing, and then switch to another idea. I need to...

Freebie Fursday
Loving these!! * Free to use however your little heart desires * #free #freebie #resources #digitalpaper #digiscrap #flowergraphics...

Freebie Fursday
Some bright, cheery papers for you to grab! I've been feeling not-so-great this week, and I wanted something to light me up. These do the...

That beach life
Beachin'!! * Free to use however your little heart desires * #free #freebie #resources #digitalpaper #digiscrap #floral #beach #flamingo...

Obsessive much?
I've noticed that my paper previews tend to be so much more busy/loud/dark and don't always seem to fit perfectly into one color palette....

Book of Phi
A friend of my husband developed this hidden treasure game and it's pretty much amazing so I wanted to share!! Also, keep checking back...

Freebie Fursday
This design was a pain in my ass!!! Seriously!! It's one of those that was a very simple idea, simple design, but every single little...

Golden Flowers
That's what I was going to call this freebie but... it sounded a little... odd. So Gold Florals is is!! Hope you enjoy! * Free to use...

Free Font
Not mine! Click link to download. #free #freebie #resources #font #scriptfont #handwrittenfont

Free Font
Not mine! Click link to download. #free #freebie #resources #font #freefont #scriptfont