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Happy Freebie Fursday!

It's that day again! Woot!

While I've been stuck in some type of design rut recently, my sister asked me to create some art for her new home. The first thing she asked for are prints for her walls with a 'You Are My Sunshine' theme.

Side Note: One of my biggest issues in designing is the fact that I can NEVER decide on anything - whether it be font or color palette or textures or spacing, etc. etc. I feel the need to try 3,924 different things. I start with an idea in my head but then I think "Oooohh!!! What if I try this?? And then try that and then that and this..." - which ends up making every project take 200X longer than it should. As a bonus though, it also leaves me with LOTS of odds and ends that I created along the way.

My freebie today includes one of the designs I came up with while working on my sister's project. It won't work for her because the colors aren't what she wanted (see?? Why did I waste time with colors I knew weren't in her color scheme??) but I loved it so much I wanted to share! Besides wall hanging, this lovely can be used as a printable for greeting cards, desktop/laptop/phone wallpaper, or you can use the elements individually to create something else!

* This freebie includes one jpeg along with three PNG flower bunches and one vector file. Feel free to use them however your little heart desires - commercial use is okay too. *

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