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Input needed!!

It's official. I just upgraded from a free Dropbox account to a paid one because I couldn't bare (bear?) to take away any of my current freebies. I remember when I first discovered graphic design and obsessively downloaded freebies, I would almost CRY when I found an older one that was no longer available. I always thought if I had my own site, I'd never cancel my freebies and I'm trying to stay true to myself. So, that's that.

And I wanted to note that Wix only allows 10 comments on my main page unless I upgrade. I did upgrade from a free site to a paid site but now they want an additional $5/month to allow more than 10 comments. I find this ridiculous and I'm not paying $5 a month just for that. So, I am going to have to occasionally delete comments so more are allowed. I hope you aren't offended if I delete one of yours. I HATE that I have to do this but I know people want to be able to comment so I don't really have a choice. :( I'm already out-of-pocket for the site itself and then Dropbox - don't they think we deserve some nice comments without having to pay for them?? It's so irritating.

Also, I must admit to a problem. I still obsessively download free stuff. And I mean OBSESSIVELY. Whether it's fonts or textures or clip art, I will search and search and download as long as it's quality. It's gotten to the point that I rarely see anything that I haven't already downloaded or seen and chosen not to download. A lot of the time, I see a "stock" image or pattern and I know it's exactly that and not 100% handmade (not that it matters, I use stock elements too obviously, it just goes to prove my obsessive nature over such things).

ANYWAY (why do I babble so much???), my point being, I was considering adding links to cool free stuff I find 'round the interwebs rather than solely my own creations. Would you be interested in that? I know a lot of other bloggers do this and I don't want to be redundant by any means but I also thought it might be helpful to some of you who look for the same sort of things. I still want to focus mainly on my own creations because that's why I started this site but those extras could fill up some space and time when I'm not offering freebies of my own.

Thoughts? Please comment on this post or feel free to email me at

Thanks for reading, frenns!! (that means friends) :D

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